Summer 2019
- Extension Express
- Summer 2019
Basic Food Safety Practices at Home
What made you sick? Is it food you cooked at home? While we continue to blame farmers, processors, food- service and restaurants for making the food that makes us sick, the fact is that home cooks are quite likely to handle food in a way that results in a foodborne illness. The safety of our food supply is the responsibility of all who grow, process, sell, prepare and eat food. Read more.
UConn 4-H Common Measures Year One Summary
Thank you to our extraordinary UConn 4-H network for supporting this year’s statewide UConn 4-H Evaluation efforts! Check out this brief document to see what we learned, and keep an eye out for the 2019 survey coming out this Fall. Visit www.4-H.uconn.edu to view the UConn 4-H Common Measures Year One Summary.
Teacher Professional Learning
Teacher Professional Learning is a project that provides high school science teachers from across the state with a head start on a new way of teaching. Over the past two summers, 48 teachers from 38 school districts attended the 3-day Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) workshop, Land and Water. Read more.
A Healthy Home is in Good Repair
Homes that are in good repair are less likely to have moisture, pest, and safety problems. By checking your home regularly, and maintaining it or repairing it when needed, you can take care of small problems before they become big problems. Our Healthy Homes program offers resources on keeping your home in good repair, as well as other health and wellness information. View the Healthy Home is in Good Repair fact sheet or our other available resources.