UConn 4-H Hippology and Horse Judging
We will not be offering the scheduled Hippology or Horse Judging Contests at this time. We have however created digital activities for both of the areas.
2. Novice Hippology Activity PDF’s
3. Novice Hippology Keys
4. Junior Hippology Activity PDF’s
5. Junior Hippology Keys
6. Senior Hippology Activity PDF’s
7. Senior Hippology Keys
8. Horse Judging Activities for all ages PDF’s
- Novice Judging Activity
- Junior Judging Activity
- Senior Judging Activity
- Junior Reasons Guide
- Senior Reasons Guide
- *Note there is no novice reasons guide because we don’t often have novices give reasons – they can do Junior if you would like them practicing reasons.
9. Horse Judging Scoring Keys
Please review the instructions and share the information with your members.